Yeni bir gun, yeni bir baslangic… / A new day and a new beginning...

Evet, Katmandu yoluna bugun cikiyorum, ve imkanim oldugu surece burada yazi ve fotograflarla guncelleme yapacagim. Ama bahsettigim baslangic sadece Everest yolculugunun baslangici degil, bu baslangic kalbimin ait oldugu Turkiye'min daha aydinlik ve ozgur bir hayata biraz daha yaklasmasi ile de ilgili. Bu secim gunu bir adim atacagiz, sonra bir tane daha. Hep saglam basacagiz ve devam edecegiz. Turkiye icin dunyanin en yuksek dagina da ayni sekilde adim adim cikmaya calisacagim...


Yes, I am leaving for Kathmandu today and I'll try my best to update this blog with text and pictures. The new beginning I am referring to is not just about starting my Everest expedition. It is more importantly about Turkey - where my heart belongs - getting closer to a free and peaceful life for all. We will take a step this election day, and then another. We'll continue to do so with solid steps each time. I'll be attempting to climb the highest mountain for Turkey the same way: step by step...