Bagislariniz icin / For your donations

Everest'in tarihinde gerceklesmis en olumcul kazada hayatini kaybeden Sherpalarin geride kalan aileleri ve cocuklari icin bagis yapabileceginiz yerler sunlar:


For the families and children of those Sherpa who lost their lives during Everest's deadliest day ever, here are the sites for your donations:

Tesekkurler Enver Yucel ve Bahcesehir Universitesi / Thank you Mr. Enver Yucel and Bahcesehir University

Enver Yucel beyefendi ve Bahcesehir Universitesi sayesinde basladi bu yolculuk... Ve Amerika'daki ve Turkiye'deki dostlarimin ve ailemin destegi ile devam etti. Herbirinize ne kadar tesekkur etsem azdir. En cok da Enver Yucel beyefendi'ye... Benim 10 yillik projemin bir tirmanistan ote oldugunu anlayan, bilen nadir insanlardan birisiniz.

Cok uzulduk kaybettiklerimize... Hersey kontrolumuzde degil, yapacak cok birsey yok.  Begensek de begenmesek de hayat devam ediyor. 

Yolculugumuz bitmis gibi gorunebilir bazilarina, ama bitmedi...

Ben de kendimi toparlayacagim yakinda... Antremanlara ve tirmanislara devam edecegim. Ve yeni topladigim verilerle yayinlarim uzerinde calismaya devam edecegim.

Ve zamani geldiginde tirmanmak icin tekrar gidecegim.


This journey started with the support of Mr. Enver Yucel and Bahcesehir University... And continued with the support of my friends and family in Turkey and in the US. I can't thank you enough. Especially to Mr. Enver Yucel - who was one of the few people who really understood how this 10-year project of mine was more than a climb.

It was too painful to witness the tragedy. Not everything is in our control. There is nothing we could do and life goes on whether we like it or not. 

It may look like this journey ended - but it really didn't for me.

I'll recover soon and keep training and climbing. And will continue working on my publications with the new data I have.  

And when the time comes, I will be going back no doubt.

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Garrett’in gelmesi gecikti ama bu arada Jeff’in de Makalu ile ilgilendigini ogrendik, Melissa Arnot’un da. Birkac gundur bu opsiyonu dusunuyoruz ama fiyat da giderek artiyor bir sekilde ve beni baya huzursuz ediyor bu konu. Daha da onemlisi, etrafta dagi bilenlerle konustukca, gercek bir zirve denemesi icin vakit kalmadigina ikna oluyorum. Sadece tecrube olsun diye gitmek istemiyorum. Evet, hersey olabilir, zirve garanti degil vs ama gercek bir sansim olmayacaksa da zaman sikintisi yuzunden, bunu bile bile gitmek istemiyorum. Ucak biletimi Bahcesehir Universitesi'ndeki arkadaslar sayesinde bir sonraki gune degistirtiyorum. Hergun beni daha da yipratti, yipratiyor ve hicbirsey degismiyor. Burada kalan 3-5 kisiden biriyim. Sadece herseyi ama herseyi denedigimi bilmenin, inanilmaz insanlarla tanismis ve dostluk kurmus olmanin huzuru var icimde. En sonunda Kathmandu’dan gitmeye hazirim.


Garrett is still not here and yet another person, Jeff, shows interest in going to Makalu. So does Melissa Arnot we find out. After a few days of deliberation, the price kept going up which made me uncomfortable. More important than that, after talking to a few people, I came to believe that there is not enough time to have a realistic summit push for Makalu and I just don’t want to go there for the “experience.” Only if we had a real chance - and everything can go wrong but I’d want a real chance. I get in touch with the folks at Bahcesehir University to have my flight figured out to get out of here. I am content that I tried everything and that I made incredible friends going through all this together. Everyday has a big toll on me and now that I know I exhausted all the options, I finally feel ok to make a decision to leave Kathmandu.