Koylerde varolan Internet servislerini kullanmaya calisiyorum ama
neredeyse servis yok denecek kadar yavas, uydu telefonum olmadigi icin
de baya zor oluyor guncellemeleri yapabilmek. Ana kampta daha iyi
Khumjung’u geride birakmadan once Kundi Hastanesi’ni ziyaret ettik. Bu
hastane Khumbu yoresi icin cok onemli. Sherpalara, kadin erkek genc
yasli, cok ucuz saglik hizmeti sagliyor. Edmund Hillary tarafindan
1966 yilinda yaptirilmis, daha dogrusu O’nun kurdugu Himalaya Vakfi
tarafindan. Burada gorevli iki doktordan biri bize hikayeyi daha
detayli anlatti. Cok agir sartlarda yasayan Sherpalar icin bu cok ama
cok onemli bir hizmet cunku cogu Katmandu’ya gidip tedavi olamayacak
kadar fakir ve gitseler de devlet hastanelerinde gunlerce
bekletiliyorlarmis. Buraya ulasmalari da problemli, sonucta patiklarda
sirtta tasinarak getiriliyor agir hastalar ama en azindan yasadiklari
daglarda ve ceplerini yakmiyor. Hillary bu bolgede toplam 16 okul ve
bu hastaneyi yaptirmis. Bu insaatlarin gerceklesebilmesi icin gereken
malzemelerin tasinmasi icin de Lukla havayolunu insa ettirmis. Ama
hikaye biraz acikli. Esi ve kiz cocugu O’nu gormeye gelirken, ucak
Lukla’ya inemeden dusmus ve hayatlarini kaybetmisler. Hillary bu
acisina ragmen tum hayati boyunca bolge halkina yardim etmis.
Khumjung’dan Tengboche manastirina gitmek icin once 2 saat boyunca
vadiden asagiya iniyoruz, ve tabi ki 2 saat daha tirmaniyoruz.
Tirmanisin bittigi yerde Tengboche manastiri butun ihtisamiyla bizi
bekliyor. Daglarda boyle yapilarla karsilasmak inanilmaz huzur veren
bir tecrube. Sansimiza bulutlar aralaniyor ve ilk defa Everest’i
goruyoruz. Cok ama cok uzak gorunuyor. Erisilemezmis gibi. Bakalim
Manastirin disinda birseyler atistiriyoruz, burada Joby Godwyn ve NBC
ekibi de biraz vakit geciriyor, sonra hep beraber Debouche’ye
geciyoruz, burasi sadece 15 dk uzakta manastirin oldugu tepenin
eteklerinde baska minik bir koy.
Everest yine bulutlar arasinda kayboluyor. Ana kampa varmadan biraz
once bir noktadan belki yine O’nu son bir kez gorme firsatimiz olacak.
Ana kamptan zirve manzarasi yok, aslinda bence iyi birsey, yipratici
olma potansiyeli var, bilmiyorum… cunku gercekten erisilmezmis gibi
I’m trying to use the Internet as it is available but usually it
doesn’t work or too slow to upload anything. I don’t have the
SatSleeve so it will be a challenge to post things. It will be better
once we get to base camp.
Before leaving Khumjung behind, we made a visit to Kundi hospital
which is a very significant hospital for the Khumbu region. It was
built by Edmund Hillary in 1966, actually by the Himalayan trust that
he founded. One of the two doctors working here told us the whole
story. The hospital due to its location is very significant giving the
living conditions of the Sherpas and since most of them can’t afford
to go to Kathmandu for any treatment. even if they manage to go,
they’d wait for days in line at state hospitals. It is even very
challenging for them to get to Kundi hospital since they’d have to be
carried on sleds or on the backs if in serious condition however they
can at least afford to get a treatment here. Hillary built about 16
schools in this region in addition to this hospital. In order to
transport the construction materials, he built the Lukla airstrip. Yet
the story is a little sad. The plane on way to Lukla carrying his wife
and daughter crashed and he lost his family. Despite this tragedy, he
never stopped helping the Sherpas.
After Khumjung, we walk downhill for about 2 hrs and then uphill for
another 2 hrs to get to Tengboche Monastery. It is an incredible
experience to see these place on these mountains. The clouds clear out
a bit and for the first time we get to see Everest with all its glory.
It really looks far far away and almost looks like unreachable. We
shall see.
We eat a little bit outside the monastery along with Joby Godwyn and
the NBC crew and walk down to Debouche, a small village down the hill,
to spend the night.
The summit of Everest gets covered with the clouds again. We will get
a chance to see it one more time on way to base camp. There are no
views of it from the base camp actually and I think that’s a good
thing. It has the potential to be overwhelming… since it really looks