Thame (6 Nisan/April 6)
Namche’den sonra yaklasik 5-6 saat suren “yavas” bir yuruyusten sonra Thame’ye geldik. Thame klasik Everest ana kampi trekking rotasinda olmayan bir koy. Ve biraz yukarisindaki Thame Manastiri ile biliniyor. Artik sadece o da degil, Lakpa Rita burada dogup buyumus. Ayni zamanda Apa Sherpa da oyle. Apa Sherpa 22 Everest zirvesine sahip cok saygi duyulan baska bir Sherpa. Lakpa Rita’nin akrabalarinin islettigi kucuk konaklama yerinde biraz atistirdiktan sonra, manastira dogru tirmandik. Inanilmaz guzel bir yerde kaya duvarlarinin altina insa edilmis ve 25-30 arasinda ogrencinin Budizm ogrendigi ve yasadigi biryer burasi. Ici kimbilir kac yuzyillik dua kagitlari dolu (eminim bunun daha duzgun bir adi vardir), resimler, islemelerle dolu. Insanin geri inesi gelmiyor, huzur dolu.
We climbed up slowly for another 5-6 hours after Namche to Thame. Thame is not on the classic Everest base camp route. And it is known with its monastery right above the village. Not just that though anymore. Lakpa Rita is from here, so is Apa Sherpa who hold 22 Everest summits and another very respected Sherpa. After eating some food at Lakpa Rita’s relatives place, we hike out to the monastery. It is at an incredible location under huge rock faces. There are about 25-30 students studying and living here. It is full of prayer stacks, pictures, embroideries: probably all several hundred years old. It was hard to leave this place and walk down, so peaceful.
Manastir / Monastery
Eski ve yeni / Old and new