Katmandudayiz sabah itibariyle. Kahvaltidan sonra ilk isimiz Cin Konsoloslugu’ndan haberleri almak. Bizim baslattigimiz basvurunun takibini yapan kisiyle bulusuyoruz. Bizi cok iyi karsiliyor, ofisine oturuyoruz, cay ikram ediyor vs… ve bombayi patlatiyor. Cinliler halihazirdaki dagcilar disinda yeni dagcilara izin vermiyormus. Zaten Amerikali dagcilari sinir disi etmislerdi 1-2 hafta once. Sebebi de Obama’nin Dalai Lama ile bulusmasi. Kontagimiz baya cevresi olan etkili birisi ve bizim icin (Fiona ve ben) her yolu denedigini ama kimseye dag icin yeni bir izin verilmedigini soyluyor. Daha sonra Melissa Arnot ile karsilasiyoruz, o da Tibet tarafindan tirmanmak isteyenlerdendi ama sadece Amerikan pasaportu oldugu icin sansi kalmamis durumda.
We get on one of the first planes out of Lukla, apparently the second most dangerous airport in the world. As soon as we arrive to Kathmandu, after a quick breakfast, we want to get the news from the Chinese consulate about our climbing permit application from the Tibetan side. We find the person who follows the application for us. He welcomes us and offers tea. Then breaks the news: China doesn’t allow any climbers to go in at the moment. They already discharged all the American climbers a few weeks back after Obama met with Dalai Lama. This contact person has lots of connections and assures us that he tried everything but there is no way. I almost collapse at the seat I was on. It just took the life out of me. We later come across with Melissa Arnot - she is also denied.