Elizabeth Hawley sabah oteli ziyaret ediyor. Sebebi de hemen hemen butun rehber ve dagcilar ayni otelde kaliyor. Olup bitenler hakkinda herkesle konusup kendi raporunu yazmak icin burada. Kendisi Himalaya dagciligi hakkinda yillardir arsiv tutan ve raporlarina cok guvenilen bir kisi. Ben de yillardir arastirmalarim icin Elizabeth Hawley’in veritabanini kullaniyorum. Cok farkli kisilerle konusup her tur detayi emin olana kadar arastiriyor. 

Bugun biraz dinlenme ve sakinlesme gunu. Aklimdaki alternatif 5. en yuksek dag olan 8400 kusur metrelik Makalu. Birkac gun icinde burada olacak ve Makalu’ya gitme niyeti olan Garrett Madison’u beklemeye karar verdik. Geldiginde detayli olarak konusucaz ve bir karar verecegiz. O zamana kadar da dinlenmeye calisacagim.


The best thing of the morning is to see Elizabeth Hawley at the hotel lobby. Most guides and climbers stay at the same hotel and she is here to compile her own report about the accident and its aftermath. She has been keeping such records for a long time and is a trustworthy source of info. I have been using her database for some of my research too. She talks to everyone until she is satisfied with the answers. Such an honor to meet her. She tells me it is all bad luck…

I decide to take an easy day today and make up my mind about yet another option: climbing Makalu, the 5th highest 8000m peak. We decide to talk to Garrett Madison who said he is planning to go there. He should be here in a day or two. I’ll try to rest until then.

